Watch an interview with our Founder and Executive Director!


  • Opening a “Skills Development Center” operated by Mata Balak Utkarsha Pratishthan in Sangola, Solapur District, Maharashtra. This center will train students with basic computer skills and provide vocational training as a beautician, seamstress, etc.
  • Developing a “Tinkering Lab” operated by Jnana Prabodhini Harali School in Osmanabad District, Maharashtra. Students will learn wood working, electrical, plumbing, welding and eventually higher technologies, such as 3-D printing.
  • Expanding and replacing classroom facilities at the Sondara Gurukulam residential school in the remote and underserved region of Marathwada in Beed District, Maharashtra. These new facilities will allow enrolling girls into the school.
  • Providing financial mechanisms to enable schools to enroll students from families who are unable to pay a portion or all of their children’s annual school fees.

Build a School in India (BSI) is a registered program of Partners for Better Futures, which is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit organization, federal tax ID # 82-2274818. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.