Srotoshwini is a Vadodara city based Trust, registered in 2010, primarily aimed at working towards the development of underprivileged children and women. The Trust is 12AA, 80G and FCRA compliant.
There are 3 main initiatives that run under the Trust:
Pathbhavan – A Learning and Development Center that runs in the after-school hours and focuses on nurturing the childen of Sanjay Nagar Slum area (Vadodara) through academics and extra curricular activities for all round development.
Churni: a creative initiative that vocationally trains the mothers of our children to empower them by providing a steady income by selling the products they make. We have two centers, one in Gotri, Vadodara and another in Lasundra, Savli. Churni has a separate website that will give you more details about the products and the ladies making them.